
亚马逊 SP 广告报告字段解释

亚马逊 SP 广告报告字段解释

字段 解释
Active 是否开启广告
Product 开通广告产品
Ad group 广告组名称
Status Your ad group is enabled. Ads in this ad group with a "Live" status are eligible for impressions.
Impressions 展示次数(The number of times ads were displayed)
Clicks 点击次数(The number of times your ads were clicked. Note: Once identified, it may take up to 3 days to remove invalid clicks.)
CTR 点击率. Click-through rate (CTR): The ratio of how often shoppers click on your ad when displayed. This is calculated as clicks divided by impressions. clicks / impressions.
Spend 截止目前总广告费(The total click charges for an ad group.)
CPC 每次点击平均成本. Cost-per-click (CPC): This is the average amount you paid for each click on an ad.
Orders 从广告进入后购买的订单数量
Sales 销售额
ACOS Advertising cost of sales (ACOS) (The percentage of your sales that you spend on advertising. ) spend / sales
ROAS Return on ad spend (ROAS) (The revenue you receive from your advertising investment. This is calculated by dividing sales attributed to your ads by your spend.) sales / spend

原文博主: 热衷开源的宝藏Boy
原文链接: http://www.fangzengye.com/article/4832766633581b69293d82dce6830b52
版权声明: 自由转载-非商用-禁止演绎-保持署名| CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

